Welcome to PIGSTY
Military Veterans & their families, vulnerable young adults & children in care; Mental wellbeing: all are welcome.
Working together,
who are we?
welcome to the wonderful world that is Pigsty farm

A working farm, with free-range hens, goats and sheep, and as it says on the tin, pigs, it has a dual function as a CIC — a Community Interest Company with a mission as a Social Enterprise.
Becky, the farmer, is a former Army-lifer and her partner a career RAF helicopter pilot. Both have a long tradition of working with military charities invested in mental health and wellbeing. It was a natural step to utilise the farm for the synchronicity of connecting Veterans and shepherding their mental wellbeing.
Dual Roles
Working Farm / CIC

Pig Sty Farm (PsF) is a working farm. With pigs, goats, sheep, and chickens, managing livestock is a 7-day-a-week always-on event. Come see what we do and find out about small farm husbandry, governance, compliance.
As a CIC we use our animals and activities as vehicles for creating calmness, connections, a bigger-picture back-to-nature reality. There is an alternative to our always-on consumer, competitive and material lifestyles. And … it’s free