The two take-aways from this page are, not surprisingly, ‘together’ and ‘awareness’.
Together. We come into and leave this life on our own (ok, the first part with the help of mothers), but the bit in the middle is a team game. And a team thrives with different members with different personalities and skills. But it takes more than just connections with other people, essential though they are and which is our petri dish. A recipe needs a kitchen. For humans, the landscape and environment around us. Birds and animals. Trees. The sea. These are the nutrients of our DNA. These are what we nurture here at Pigsty Farm.
Awareness. So often, the modern world requires us to drive a life, as the military would say ‘head down ar5e up’. Here, we encourage, to step into sporting analogies, ‘putting a foot on the ball’, slowing down the pace, taking time to recalibrate. Awareness has twin polarities, creating a stillness to look within, creating a space to look without, at nature but also at our fellow (wo)man. We look to — quietly — seek out the vulnerable, the lost, the disconnected, and join up the dots. We are all dots, but, if we can see it and become aware, there is a bigger picture. On that canvas we can repaint our futures.